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This file is part of Ext JS 4.2

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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * Private class which acts as a HeaderContainer for the Lockable which aggregates all columns
 * from both sides of the Loackable. It is never rendered, it's just used to interrogate the
 * column collection.
 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.grid.locking.HeaderContainer', {
    extend: 'Ext.grid.header.Container',
    requires: [

    constructor: function(lockable) {
        var me = this,
            eventNames = [],
            lockedGrid = lockable.lockedGrid,
            normalGrid = lockable.normalGrid;

        me.lockable = lockable;

        // Create the unified column manager for the lockable grid assembly
        lockedGrid.columnManager.rootColumns =
            normalGrid.columnManager.rootColumns =
            lockable.columnManager =
            me.columnManager = new Ext.grid.ColumnManager(lockedGrid.headerCt, normalGrid.headerCt);

        // Relay events from both sides' headerCts
        events = lockedGrid.headerCt.events;
        for (event in events) {
            if (events.hasOwnProperty(event)) {
        me.relayEvents(lockedGrid.headerCt, eventNames);
        me.relayEvents(normalGrid.headerCt, eventNames);

    getRefItems: function() {
        return this.lockable.lockedGrid.headerCt.getRefItems().concat(this.lockable.normalGrid.headerCt.getRefItems());

    // This is the function which all other column access methods are based upon
    // Return the full column set for the whole Lockable assembly
    getGridColumns: function() {
        return this.lockable.lockedGrid.headerCt.getGridColumns().concat(this.lockable.normalGrid.headerCt.getGridColumns());

    // Lockable uses its headerCt to gather column state
    getColumnsState: function () {
        var me = this,
            locked = me.lockable.lockedGrid.headerCt.getColumnsState(),
            normal = me.lockable.normalGrid.headerCt.getColumnsState();

        return locked.concat(normal);

    // Lockable uses its headerCt to apply column state
    applyColumnsState: function (columns) {
        var me             = this,
            lockedGrid     = me.lockable.lockedGrid,
            lockedHeaderCt = lockedGrid.headerCt,
            normalHeaderCt = me.lockable.normalGrid.headerCt,
            lockedCols     = Ext.Array.toValueMap(lockedHeaderCt.items.items, 'headerId'),
            normalCols     = Ext.Array.toValueMap(normalHeaderCt.items.items, 'headerId'),
            locked         = [],
            normal         = [],
            lockedWidth    = 1,
            length         = columns.length,
            i, existing,

        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            col = columns[i];

            lockedDefault = lockedCols[col.id];
            existing = lockedDefault || normalCols[col.id];

            if (existing) {
                if (existing.applyColumnState) {
                if (existing.locked === undefined) {
                    existing.locked = !!lockedDefault;
                if (existing.locked) {
                    if (!existing.hidden && typeof existing.width == 'number') {
                        lockedWidth += existing.width;
                } else {

        // state and config must have the same columns (compare counts for now):
        if (locked.length + normal.length == lockedHeaderCt.items.getCount() + normalHeaderCt.items.getCount()) {

